While the 1FS Schools website provides up to date GS1 product information  along with non-GS1 supplied product information, we cannot guarantee that the data is complete, reliable, up-to-date, or error-free, as all information is supplied directly from the individual manufacturers or their representatives. If there are any product specific questions, please refer to the product labels or contact the manufacturers directly with inquiries. The data on this site is provided by the manufacturer and has not been independently verified and may have been revised or updated.

Allergens & Nutritionals

The allergen information provided on 1FSSchools.com website is assumed to be accurate and up-to-date to the best of our knowledge, as it is based entirely on the information provided by our manufacturers and suppliers. We have limited this disclosure to the 8 major allergens (wheat, soy, milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish) as those are the only ones manufacturers are required to disclose. The labeling practices and terminology relating to manufacturer's handling of other potential allergens in their facilities varies greatly and can be vague. Because of this, we have not included in our listings allergens that may be present in the manufacturer's plants or may even come in contact with the same manufacturing equipment. 

WARNING: No allergen or nutritional information on our website should ever be considered a guarantee and has not been independently verified and may have been revised or updated so please refer to the product labels or contact the manufacturers directly with inquiries.