Quality is our most important criteria when sourcing our products. We never compromise quality. The foods we import are generally being used in white tablecloth restaurants, country clubs, and hotels and the professional chefs are not likely to compromise quality. When you purchase our Ambrosia Brand you can rest assured that you can sell our products with confidence! In addition to our extensive line of Ambrosia and Horn of Plenty brands, we are also a primary source for the internationally known brand, Coco Lopez cream of coconut, which can be shipped with our line of products. Our product assortment of imported food specialties is extensive and we are glad to accommodate special requests. One stop shopping should be as important for you as it is for your customers. We sell our products through our USA warehouses (New Jersey, Dallas, Los Angeles). It is our responsibility to keep adequate inventories to maintain continuity of supply for our loyal customers. You do not need "good" excuses about FDA, late arrivals of containers, etc. Our order fill rate is better than any importer and will rival the most reliable domestic supplier. Schreiber Foods International is prepared for the changing tastes and distribution methods in America for the new millennium

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